Laura Putnam

Motion Infusion, CEO & Founder,
Author of
Workplace Wellness that Works


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Wellness is the fastest-growing industry today. But, our health and well-being are going in reverse. That is, we are less healthy and less well, despite all the hype. The question is WHY and WHAT can we do about it?

Laura offers unexpected solutions to leverage every workplace, activate key influencers, and empower every individual.




“Wellness is much more than just those physical risk factors, it’s really about helping people to become their best selves, and even helping the world to become a better place.”



Born to Move, Told to Sit

Born to Move, Told to Sit
Re-engineering movement back into our lives.

It’s less about exercise and more about moving throughout the day (aka, Motion Infusion). To do so, we need to acknowledge the fact that we are “born to move, but told to sit.” That is, everything in our society drives us to our chairs. We need to find meaningful ways to move throughout the day, such as taking a five-minute walk every half hour.

Key Points:

  • Learn the science on the unexpected benefits of movement.
  • Examine how our culture “conspires” against us being healthy.
  • Get out of your seat and in motion through actionable steps.

Target Audience: General

Workplace Wellness that Works

Workplace Wellness that Works
Infusing well-being into any organization.

A healthier, happier workforce is good for people and good for the bottom line. But, are your workplace wellness programs actually working? Probably not. Most don’t. Learn how you can apply a smarter framework that infuses well-being into the workflow, tackles the taboo topic of mental health at work, and makes well-being a way of life.

Key Points:

  • Empower employees to make better choices.
  • Design and deliver the strategy that your organization needs.
  • Drive quantifiable change through more creative implementation.

Target Audience: General

Managers on the Move

Managers on the Move
Activating managers as multipliers of well-being.

While senior leaders set the tone, managers are the key drivers of well-being at work. In fact, the best way to promote well-being at work is team by team, led by managers. Every manager needs to be awakened to the critical role they play and be given the tools they need to lead their team forward.

Key Points:

  • Learn about why team care matters more than self-care.
  • Acquire an actionable template for every manager to become a multiplier of well-being.
  • Carve out oases of well-being across the organization.

Target Audience: Senior leaders, managers, HR/wellness/benefits

Me At My Best®

Me At My Best®
Unlocking the secrets to thriving.

What can every individual do to fight back against a society that accelerates poor health? Each can learn about what it takes to thrive - and at the same time, take a clear-eyed view at what they're up against.  Each can identify those forces that are working against them and more strategically maneuver around them to become their version of Me At My Best®.  

Key Points:

  • Visualize your version of Me at My Best®.
  • Close the “knowing and doing” gap to take action. 
  • Leverage the science to achieve optimal well-being.

Target Audience: General

Laura Putnam


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Laura Putnam, MA, is a global wellbeing activator, author of the bestselling book Workplace Wellness that Works, and CEO and Founder of Motion Infusion, a leading wellbeing provider. 

She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and has worked with a wide range of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, academic institutions, and nonprofits. Laura has trained over 40,000 managers and leaders on how to lead wellbeing from the inside-out and outside-in to truly champion wellbeing that works for all.

Laura reveals that while we’ve largely blamed our pervasive poor health and wellbeing on individual failures, growing evidence suggests that the gap persists due to the larger culture and environment. Like fish in the ocean surrounded by water, we are surrounded by environments that either support our wellbeing or do not. Her collective approach outlines how to create environments where everyone can flourish.

Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, Fast Company, USA Today, FOX, ABC, and MSNBC. She is also the recipient of the American Heart Association’s “2020 Impact” award and the National Wellness Institute’s “Circle of Leadership” award. Laura is a graduate of Brown University and Stanford University, and she lives in San Francisco with her fiancé.


Laura Putnam is a leading voice for well-being at work, an international public speaker and author of Workplace Wellness That Works. As CEO of Motion Infusion and creator of the leadership training program Managers on the Move, she infuses well-being and vitality into the workplace to help employees, teams and organizations thrive. To read Laura’s latest work and to receive her monthly newsletter, click here.





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